Free setup

Create a beautiful parish website in seconds

Just $35/mo. Launch instantly!

A modern website for your Catholic parish with easy-to-use content management and beautiful design. No hidden fees.
Simple setup
Manage mass times
Easily publish news
Post alerts
Engage parishioners
Connect automatically
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Fewer bills
Simpler hosting
Better security
Easy to manage

Spend less,
do more

Your website can work for you was created for busy, modern parish administrators. It's subscription based and designed to be easy-to-use, efficient, and extremely cost-effective.
Don't pay separate hosting, website, or maintenance fees, anymore. covers it all!
Start saving today

Made for mobile

According to Google, more than half of your site visitors are using a smartphone. Don't forget them. is built for mobile users. We've put content in the right spots to enable simple, safe access from smartphones.
See for yourself
What are your visitors really looking for? We can help you find out by using analytics and industry-leading best practices designed specifically for Catholic parishes.
Great for smaller parishes, just getting started.
Setup Free
Pages Up to 15
Articles Unlimited
Parish Users Up to 300
For parishes with bigger plans, who want to do more.
Setup Free
Pages Up to 100
Articles Unlimited
Parish Users Unlimited
Ministries Coming soon!
Donations Coming soon!

Getting started is easy

We'll work with you to migrate your content and make sure all of your accounts are working properly. And after you launch, we'll spend time making sure you've got the support you need to thrive. We can't wait to hear from you!
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